CS161 Labs (Fall 2016)

This is the lab page for CS161 Honors Introduction to Programming. These labs are meant to give you some practice coding in Haskell and expose you to some important computer science concepts.
Submissions are due on Friday before midnight. You will have two 24-hour extensions at your disposal for the quarter. You may use them both for one lab or you may use each on two separate labs. Other extensions are generally not granted.
Submit questions on Piazza so your classmates can benefit as well.
Lab TA: Brian Hempel brianhempel@uchicago.edu.
Office hours: Thursday 1:00–2:30pm in CSIL 4.
Turn in your labs via git.
The collaboration policy is the same as discussed in class. Mention all collaboration with your classmates, but do your own work.
- Lab 6: Functional Parsing Party - November 15, 2016
- Lab 5: Using Randomness - November 8, 2016
- Lab 4: Counting Words - November 1, 2016
- Git: Using Git and Submitting With Git - November 1, 2016
- Lab 3: Parsing Party - Simple Infix Calculator - October 25, 2016
- Lab 2: Intersections and Computational Geometry - October 11, 2016
- Lab 1: Simple Reverse Polish Notation Calculator - October 4, 2016
- Lab 0: Haskell Install Party - September 27, 2016