Lecture 25: A Quine's Method Theorem Prover
Our goal for today is ambitious. We will write a program that will take as input a series of propositions (intended to be tautologies, but checked as such), and will produce a web page that consists of a series of Quine-style proofs, using the mathematical typesetting language TeX (strictly speaking, LaTeX) to render boolean formulae in a attractive way. I.e., we'll take input file that looks like this:
a -> a
a -> b -> a
a -> (a -> b) -> b
and produce web content that looks like this:
There are a lot of moving parts here!
Quine's method
Let's remember the basics of Quine's method. Given a proposition p
, we simplify p
, i.e., we produce a new proposition p'
which logically equivalent to p
, such that p'
is either:
Boolean True
, in which case it is a tautology,Boolean False
, in which case it is refutable, i.e., not a tautology, or- there are no
nodes remaining, in which case we- select a variable
which occurs inp
. - create two new propositions
, by substitutingBoolean True
andBoolean False
in the original proposition. Thenp
is a tautology if and only if bothpt
- select a variable
We'll start with code for simplifying a proposition:
simplify :: Proposition -> Proposition
simplify = simpleEval Var Boolean notf andf orf impliesf where
notf p = case p of
Boolean b -> Boolean (not b)
Not p' -> p' -- eliminate double negations
_ -> Not p
andf p q = case (p,q) of
(Boolean True,_) -> q
(Boolean False,_) -> Boolean False
(_,Boolean True) -> p
(_,Boolean False) -> Boolean False
_ -> And p q
orf p q = case (p,q) of
(Boolean True,_) -> Boolean True
(Boolean False,_) -> q
(_,Boolean True) -> Boolean True
(_,Boolean False) -> p
_ -> Or p q
impliesf p q = case (p,q) of
(Boolean True,_) -> q
(Boolean False,_) -> Boolean True
(_,Boolean True) -> Boolean True
(_,Boolean False) -> Not p
_ -> Implies p q
Much of the heavy lifting is done by simpleEval
, which essentially eliminates the contextualizing type constructor of the last lecture's abstractEval
The simplify
function can be thought of as a partial-evaluator, i.e., it takes an existing expression, and partially evaluates it, resulting in a simpler expression that can be used more efficiently in lieu of the original in subsequent processing. Partial evaluators are important in many optimizations, and one of the nice things about Haskell is that it often makes writing partial evaluators easy, as it does here.
Next up, we have the job of creating substitution instances of our proposition, in which the selected variable is set to True
and False
respectively. First, we'll write a general purpose substitution routine:
type Substitution = Map String Proposition
substitute :: Substitution -> Proposition -> Proposition
substitute sub = simpleEval varf Boolean Not And Or Implies where
varf v = Map.findWithDefault (Var v) v sub
The idea here is that substitution
includes as keys only the names of variables that we're substituting out, so a missing key simply means a variable that we're not changing.
Our first cut at our theorem prover uses a simple type for representing a quine-style proof:
data QuineProof
= Split
Proposition -- ^ the proposition to be proven
String -- ^ the name of the variable to split on
QuineProof -- ^ case where the split variable is True
QuineProof -- ^ case where the split variable is False
| Trivial
deriving (Show)
type Analysis = Maybe QuineProof
This will get more sophisticated, but it's a start. With this, we can do our first pass at our quine
theorem prover.
analyze :: Proposition -> Analysis
analyze prop = case simplify prop of
Boolean True -> pure Trivial
Boolean False -> Nothing
q -> Split q v <$> branch True <*> branch False where
v = elemAt 0 . variables $ q
branch b = analyze (substitute (Map.singleton v (Boolean b)) q)
This is just a simple realization of Quine's algorithm. We will get more sophisticated soon. This code is good enough to to find our our bearings, but a little bit of exploration reveals a need to do more work:
> let runQuine = quine . read
> runQuine "a -> a"
Just (Split a -> a "a" Trivial Trivial)
> runQuine "a -> b"
> runQuine "a | b -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c"
Just (Split a | b -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c "a" (Split c -> (b -> c) -> c "b" (Split c -> c -> c "c" Trivial Trivial) (Split c -> c "c" Trivial Trivial)) (Split b -> (b -> c) -> c "b" (Split c -> c "c" Trivial Trivial) Trivial))
We're getting proofs out, and it's worth understanding that first.
Let's consider the analysis of a -> a
, a familiar tautology. It doesn't simplify to a Boolean True
, but rather to itself. We split on "a"
, and substitute in Boolean True
and Boolean False
for Var "a"
in the true and false branches of the proof, in both cases resulting in formula that simplify to Boolean True
, and so have trivial proofs.
Next, we have a -> b
, which isn't a tautology. Since the formula is refutable, we return Nothing
, as there is no Quine proof to return.
Finally, we have the analysis of a | b -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c
. The proof that was returned isn't that easy to read, so it's helpful to format it a bit differently (note that this isn't valid Haskell)
a | b -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c
Split c -> (b -> c) -> c
Split c -> c -> c "c" Trivial Trivial
Split c -> c "c" Trivial Trivial
Split b -> (b -> c) -> c
Split c -> c "c" Trivial Trivial
We see that the analysis of the original formula results in a splitting on Var "a"
, resulting in two formula that simplify to c -> (b -> c) -> c
and b -> (b -> c) -> c
respectively. The analysis of the first of these does a split on Var "b"
, which is unfortunate, because a split on Var "c"
would result in trivial instances. Likewise, the analysis of b -> (b -> c) -> c
splits on Var "b"
, resulting in a non-trivial branch, whereas a split on Var "c"
instead would have resulting in two trivial branches.
So it's a start, but there's a lot to be unhappy with if this particular theorem prover is to live up to its potential:
- The simplification process is abrupt. We only get to see the beginning and ending steps of the simplifications, and simplification is a nontrivial process. It would be helpful to illustrate a step-by-step sequence of simplifications.
- Our goal is to give a result that is human checkable, but we fail badly in the case of a refutable statement. Our prover is just returning the fact of refutability, rather than an explanation. Our brute-force tautology prover did better, and we should too.
- Our theorem prover forces us to pursue the process of splitting a formula all the way down to success (
Boolean True
) or failure (Boolean False
). We can give more concise proofs by recognizing when we've reduced a formula to a (substitution instance of) a known tautology, and quit there. - The proofs we're producing aren't particularly economical. If our goal is human readability, we should value concision, even at the cost of much more computation.
- The result we return is unnecessarily opaque. Accepting the default formatting of the result isn't a particularly friendly thing to do. We should format the final result better.
These changes involve a certain amount of additional book-keeping, and the difficulty of doing so isn't to be slighted. But the more essential difficulties are in writing the step-by-step simplifier and the instance checker.
We'll start with the step-by-step simplifier:
simplifyInSteps :: Proposition -> [Proposition]
simplifyInSteps = converge step where
converge f = untilFixed . iterate f where
untilFixed (p:qs@(q:_))
| p == q = [p]
| otherwise = p : untilFixed qs
untilFixed _ = error "untilFixed: impossible error"
step prop = case prop of
v@(Var _) -> v
b@(Boolean _) -> b
Not p -> case p of
Boolean b -> Boolean (not b)
Not p' -> p'
_ -> Not $ step p
And p q -> case (p,q) of
(Boolean True,_) -> q
(Boolean False,_) -> Boolean False
(_,Boolean True) -> p
(_,Boolean False) -> Boolean False
_ -> And (step p) (step q)
Or p q -> case (p,q) of
(Boolean True,_) -> Boolean True
(Boolean False,_) -> q
(_,Boolean True) -> Boolean True
(_,Boolean False) -> p
_ -> Or (step p) (step q)
Implies p q -> case (p,q) of
(Boolean True,_) -> q
(Boolean False,_) -> Boolean True
(_,Boolean True) -> Boolean True
(_,Boolean False) -> Not p
_ -> Implies (step p) (step q)
This isn't a perfect solution to the simplify-in-steps problem (it may make multiple simplifications, but at least they'll be in distinct parts of the expression), but it's a bit of improvement for now. The key is the local step
function, which only calls itself recursively in the cases where it can't make progress otherwise. This is driven by converge
, which iterates step
until it reaches a fixed point.
We now can tackle the issue of getting simplification steps into our proofs, by modifying the definition of QuineProof
so that it includes the simplification steps, and not just the final result of simplification.
data QuineProof
= Split
[Proposition] -- ^ simplifications
String -- ^ variable to split on
QuineProof -- ^ case where split variable is true
QuineProof -- ^ case where split variable is false
| Trivial
[Proposition] -- ^ simplifications
Because refutations are also more complex, we replace the use of the Maybe
type with a type that can carry a value in the failure case:
data Refutation = Refutation (Map String Bool)
type Analysis = Either Refutation QuineProof
But we're not done yet. We want to handle a sequence of propositions, as logic texts invariably do, precisely so that we can make our proofs "shallower," by cutting off our Quine-style proofs when we get a formula that's a substitution instance of an earlier formula. This results in an appreciably more complex type for our :
type Heuristic = Proposition -> Maybe String
:: Heuristic -- variable selection heuristic
-> [(Int,Proposition)] -- list of indexed tautologies
-> Proposition -- the Proposition to analyze
-> Analysis
There are a couple of twists here. The Heuristic
type is used to pick a variable for splitting on. We allow a Heuristic
to return Nothing
if its argument contains no variables. The second argument to analyzeWithHeuristic
is a list of tautologies (already proven), paired with an Int
which identifies the proposition which established it.
To determine whether or not a Proposition
is a substitution instance of a given propositional formula, we use
instanceOf :: Proposition -> Proposition -> Maybe Substitution
instanceOf target pattern = case (target,pattern) of
(t, Var v) -> Just $ Map.singleton v t
(Boolean t,Boolean p) -> guard (t == p) >> pure Map.empty
(Not t, Not p) -> instanceOf t p
(And t1 t2, And p1 p2) -> process t1 t2 p1 p2
(Or t1 t2, Or p1 p2) -> process t1 t2 p1 p2
(Implies t1 t2, Implies p1 p2) -> process t1 t2 p1 p2
_ -> Nothing
process t1 t2 p1 p2 = do
m1 <- instanceOf t1 p1
m2 <- instanceOf t2 p2
if m1 `Map.intersection` m2 == m2 `Map.intersection` m1
then pure $ Map.union m1 m2
else Nothing
This tries to build substitutions, but the trickiness comes from combining them. We do this fairly simply, by relying on the left-bias of Map
operators, in this case intersection
, to insure that in the case we have to follow two branches, that we derive identical substitutions or fail.
There are a fair number of details being swept under the rug here, which you can find out by reading the code.
Producing HTML
The output side of this program will use Text.Blaze.Html5
and related modules to render HTML. We'll pass over the specifics of generating TeX—as they're not all that different from generating the kind of text-based output we've used so far.
A key output handling procedure is
renderProof ix prop proof = do
h2 $ "Proposition " >> toHtml ix >> ": " >> toHtml' prop
format proof
p ! class_ "box" $
"$\\Box$ Proposition " >> toHtml ix
format prf = case prf of
Split props var trueb falseb -> do
when (length props > 1) $ do
p "Simplification"
ul . void $ traverse (li . toHtml') props
let prop' = last props
p "Quine Alternatives:"
ul $ do
li $ showBranch prop' var True trueb
li $ showBranch prop' var False falseb
Trivial props -> do
p "Simplification"
ul . void $ traverse (li . toHtml') props
p $ "Reduced to " >> toHtml' (Boolean True) >> "."
Reference props citation pattern bindings -> do
ul . void . traverse (li . toHtml') $ props
p $ "Substitution instance of Proposition "
>> toHtml citation
>> "$[" >> toTeX pattern >> "]$ at"
ul . void . flip Map.traverseWithKey bindings
$ \k v -> li $ "$" >> greekDict Map.! k >> " := "
>> toTeX v >> "$"
showBranch prop' var bool branch = p $ do
toHtml' prop' >> " $[" >> greekDict Map.! var >> ":="
>> boolDict Map.! bool >> "]$"
format branch
Note here the additional Reference
case to QuineProof
. This is a fairly straightforward recursive processing of a proof tree, in as much as the structure of QuineProof
type is mirrored in the structure of the resulting HTML. There are a couple of things to notice here. We have the {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
pragma on, which allows literal strings in the source to be interpreted via the IsStrihg
type class, which implements a fromString :: String -> a
function, similar to fromInt
. There's also the toHtml'
function, which parallels Blaze
's toHtml
, but is specific to the Proposition
type (a minor work-around necessary to avoid a orphaned instance warning).