CS161 Labs (Fall 2018)
This is the lab page for CS161 Honors Introduction to Programming. These labs are meant to give you some practice coding in Haskell and expose you to some important computer science concepts.
Lab TA 1: Brian Hempel brianhempel@uchicago.edu.
Lab TA 2: Nathan Mull nmull@uchicago.edu.
Post questions on Piazza so your classmates can benefit as well. Make a private post if you want to discuss specific code from your solution.
Submissions are due on Thursday before 11:59pm. Generally, there are no extensions. However, out of the seven graded labs your worst grade will be dropped.
Turn in your labs via git and chisubmit.
$ git status
$ git diff
$ git add file1
$ git add file2
$ git commit -m "Message Here: What Did You Change"
$ git pull
# If vim opens with a "Merge ..." commit message, hit :x to save the message and quit vim.
# If git reports merge conflicts, open the files and fix the conflicts, then follow git's directions.
$ git push
Then check on Gitlab to confirm that your changes are there.
$ ssh your_cnetid@linux.cs.uchicago.edu # Use your UChicago password
$ mkdir cmsc-16100 # First time only, chisubmit determines your class by what folder you are in
$ cd cmsc-16100
$ chisubmit init # First time only
$ chisubmit student assignment register lab0N
$ chisubmit student assignment submit lab0N
Your instructors do not typically read commit messages. Use Piazza or email if you need to communicate.
The collaboration policy is the same as discussed in class. Mention all collaboration with your classmates, but do your own work from memory (no copy-paste of course). The best place to mention collaboration is in a comment at the top of the file or near the relevant code (not in a commit message). Do not post partial or complete solutions on public websites.
- Lab 7: WriterT Web Server Logging - December 3, 2018
- Lab 6: Functional Parsing Party - November 19, 2018
- Lab 5: Using Randomness - November 12, 2018
- Lab 4: Counting Words - October 29, 2018
- Lab 3: Parsing Party - Simple Infix Calculator - October 22, 2018
- Lab 2: The Unionized Time Cutter - October 15, 2018
- Lab 1: Simple Reverse Polish Notation Calculator - October 8, 2018
- Lab 0: Haskell Install Party and Git Intro - October 1, 2018